沈蜜 博士、助理教授
[1] State Ownership, Implicit Government Bailout Guarantee, and Crash Risk: Evidence from China (with Mingfa Ding, Zhongda He, and Yuecheng Jia)
-Presented at 2019 Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Sydney, Australia (April 2019)
[2] Do Executives Behave Better When Dishonesty is More Salient? (with David Cicero)-Presented at CICF Annual Meeting, Xiamen, China (July, 2016)-Featured on the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog
-Presented at FMA Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (October, 2016)
[3] Department Seminar, North Carolina State University (October,2016; by co-author)
-Presented at SFA Annual Meeting, San Destin, FL (November, 2016)
-Accounting Ethics and Regulation: SOX 15 Years Later, Toronto, Canada (April, 2017)
[4] Does Envy induce Misbehavior in Business? Evidence from Insider Stock Trades (with David Cicero)
-Brown Bag Seminar, University of Alabama (April 2016)
-Presented at FMA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (October, 2017)
-Accepted for presentation at FMA Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, China (May 2018)